Leon Pierre Susan

Patent Attorney

  • BEng (Mechanical Engineering) – University of Pretoria
  • LLB – University of South Africa
  • Attorney of the High Court of South Africa

Leon is a registered South African patent attorney with degrees in mechanical engineering and law and has 12 years of experience in intellectual property law. Leon’s practice focuses on all aspects of patents and designs including the preparation and filing of South African and foreign applications for mechanical, electrical, and software related inventions.


Jadon Wolmarans


  • LLB – University of South Africa
  • Attorney of the High Court of South Africa

Jadon is a South African Attorney with 12 years experience in intellectual property law. Jadon has extensive experience in trade mark prosecution and brand enforcement strategies in South Africa and Africa. Jadon has assisted high-end, well-known and luxury brands with their trade mark and brand enforcement strategies in South Africa and Africa. In addition to intellectual property law, Jadon’s practice also focuses on commercial and labour law matters.


Pieter Lombard

Patent Attorney

  • BEng (Chemical and Process Engineering) – University of Stellenbosch
  • LLB – University of South Africa
  • Attorney of the High Court of South Africa

Pieter is a registered South African patent attorney with a technical background in chemical and process engineering. He is based in Cape Town, but also meets with our clients in Gauteng. His practice covers the law of patents, designs, copyright, contracts, and unlawful competition in terms of the common law of South Africa. Pieter drafts and prosecutes domestic and foreign patent and design applications for inventions that fall within the technical fields of engineering, software and computer-implemented inventions, organic and inorganic chemistry, and medical devices.

Pieter has extensive experience in drafting comprehensive legal opinions that pertain to the validity and enforceability of various intellectual property rights, including patents, registered designs, and copyrights. Pieter enforces our client’s intellectual property rights in various forums. He also defends our clients against intellectual property right infringement claims that are levelled against them.


Pierre Wolmarans

Pierre Wolmarans


  • BProc – University of Pretoria
  • LLM – University of Port Elizabeth
  • Advanced Diploma in Labour Law – University of Johannesburg

Pierre is a consultant of Wolmarans & Susan. He has over 40 years of experience in commercial, contract, legal compliance, corporate governance and labour law. Pierre was a former director and partner at PwC in the commercial & employment law division in tax and legal services. Pierre’s practice also involves conducting due diligence investigations, reporting, drafting, facilitation and finalising of agreements during various international and national mergers and acquisitions.

In addition, Pierre specialises in arbitrating and litigation of commercial and employment related disputes. He was also appointed by the then Minister of Labour (Mr. Tito Mboweni) to the board of MANDAB to facilitate employee redundancies and to advise the Director General of Labour in South Africa. In addition, he was a member of Business South Africa delegation during the Labour Relations Act and Employment Equity Act’s Parliamentary Committee Sessions, and is also a Member of the National Advisory Board to the Welfare Employer Organisation.
